Sometimes traditional massages can actually do more damage than benefit to your muscles and tissue. Take the Asian alternative and channel your attention on both the mind and body.
Visit Salon De Paris to utilize the power of the very same technique used in Chinese medicine for millenniums to relieve aches and pains. This time-old remedy uses gentle finger pressure on the body's energy channels to restore balance throughout your body.
Reiki is a Japanese word that means universal life energy. It is a gentle spiritual practice that creates balance on every level - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and even social. Reiki uses a hands on technique which channels universal life energy to begin the healing process. Reiki is not a message or a diagnosis for illness.
Reiki is a technique that addresses a deep relaxation response enabling the body to naturally heal itself. It strengthens the immune system and assists in accelerating healing and clearing emotional and physical trauma. A Reiki session promotes balance and addresses both chronic and acute conditions.
What to expect from A Reiki session:
During a Reiki session the client lies fully clothed on a table. The Reiki practitioner will place his/her hands on or above the body going through a series of standard hand placements. Common Reiki sensations may include heat, coolness, tingling and drowsiness. A Reiki treatment may seem gentle and simple. However, the effects are subtle and often profound.
"This alternative medicine treatment can manipulate your energy and cure what ails you. If you have never tried Reiki and are curious about it, maybe this should be your year to try something new - Doctor's orders"
Dr. Mehmet Oz
Dr. Mehmet Oz
Walk-ins welcome. Free parking available. Call today to set up your Reiki treatment appointment:
447 Common Street